Retropie CRT Edition - Raspberry pi 2B/3B/3B+ - TV 15Khz (vga666 / pi2scart / rgb-pi)

About games with bad res settings (such as R-Type for example, US versions, I have a JAP version that is good on CRT EVO). Why don't we list them here + propose a workable solutiob (either using rescaling with retroarch) or maybe fix the res db is the error is there.

@Krash, it's true that the "forced" option does not seem to do the job with r-type for example.

BTW: Into the hunt, that is a close cousin of r-type works well, maybe we can duplicate res settings. Also, I have a japanese r-type rom that plays well too.

Here are the modlines I found, from another image I use with the rpi2Scart device (and custom made image by RpiTeam) :;modeline "384x256_55" 7.700000 384 413 435 500 256 265 266 280 -hsync -vsync;modeline "384x256_55" 7.700000 384 413 435 500 256 265 266 280 -hsync -vsync;modeline "384x256_55" 7.700000 384 413 435 500 256 265 266 280 -hsync -vsync;modeline "320x240_60" 6.389760 320 344 362 416 240 245 246 256 -hsync -vsync;modeline "320x240_60" 6.389760 320 344 362 416 240 245 246 256 -hsync -vsync;modeline "384x256_55" 7.700000 384 413 435 500 256 265 266 280 -hsync -vsync;modeline "384x256_55" 7.700000 384 413 435 500 256 265 266 280 -hsync -vsync

Maybe this can help. With CRT EVO, strangely, the rom is ok for me.
¿Hay algo en esta nueva versión que pueda estar haciendo que mi Rpi3b+ esté avisando con frecuencia y aleatoriamente de bajo voltaje? Antes no me había ocurrido, la fuente de alimentación es la adecuada y buscando por internet he visto que cambios de kernel y cosas de esas que no entiendo pueden hacer esto (la verdad que ni idea). No es sólo que salga el aviso, es que en ese momento se ralentiza incluso a veces el audio y la imagen.
Antes de seguir buscando errores de hardware quería saber si le ha ocurrido a alguien más, gracias.

EDITO: No creo que tenga nada que ver con el software, he cambiado de alimentador y se soluciona, y lo más curioso aún, vuelvo a poner el que antes daba el problema y ahora funciona perfectamente. No hay quien lo entienda, cosas de la electrónica.
La fuente debe ser inestable, estará ya medio cascada. A mi me pasaba con Retropie normal, le cambié la alimentación y ale.

Lo que es raro, es en la recreativa, donde tengo también la raspberry y si a alimento através de la fuente de la recre, sale el aviso del voltaje, y eso que son 5 volt hasta 10 amperios o más, no debería salir, al final, pues en la recre también va echufado por dentro un transformador para la rasp y listo.

hola buenas,tengo un problema al intentar arrancar una pi3 b,la tengo conectada con vga666 y cable vga a scart con usb,a una tv crt en rgb,la cosa es que he cambiado la config.txt por que no daba señal a la tv,ahora la confi que tengo da señal al arrancar la pi3 en la primera imagen de retropie,el problema viene cuando va a cargar el menu pierdo la señal en la tv.
.alguien podria ayudarme,estoy pegado en estos temas.
esta es la config.txt que tengo ahora mismo:

# Only for Enable VGA666 #

# Custom 15kHz mode
hdmi_timings=320 1 17 33 34 224 1 14 8 18 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1
Cuáles son las diferencias reales de los sistemas ?

Nasti de plasti. Pero lo raro es que no hay nada parecido en AliExpress...
RGP-PI OS has only one positive thing compared to CRT EVO .... that having no emulationstation out of the way, it's MUCH faster to run games ... but the beauty ends there. already'
I'm not biased, I'm not interested in background (DOCUMENTED !!!) but I'm a common user with many years of experience ... (many!) ...
months ago to my cabinet with arcade monitor (hantarex), stopped there for some time with u old pc p4, arcadeos and advmame (although with the excellent ultimate vga and ipac) I wanted to give it a restyl more for a MAME fact, to have more emulators available. I already owned a Raspberry ...
I therefore wanted to take the risk of buying one of the JAMMA-RASPBERRY cards to see if it was worth it or was the old pc much better. So I tried to buy the Spanish RGB-PI, but despite a strong interest, I was denied the sale due to covid (despite the fact that I have always received orders and mail from all over the world ... strange ... from spain not ... ) besides, it doesn't even cost a little ... so I proceeded to look for another alternative, and as it happened I found it in Italy ... 35 euro shipped, excellent ... Vincenzo Bini's JAMMA-PI v3 ... ( I remember that these cards are about all similar, all coming from 666 ....) unfortunately once I arrived I verified that the images already ready, the hdmi ones, for PI also arranging the boot for a CRT use ... they did not work well. ..many emulators weren't working, the resolutions were out of order or interlaced (very annoying to the eyes) so I decided to try all the images for CRT use of the best known "rasberry user" cards ...
starting from the RGB-PI os which seemed to be promising ...

after numerous tests, updates, and so on ... there is little to do ...
the CRT EVO today 3.3 wins big!!!!!! why?

meanwhile ... the RGB-pi is not compatible with all cards, while the crt evo YES ... and this is not a trivial matter, ... I don't like software that could VERY WELL GO ON ALL and instead probably done specifically does not work if not on the desired hardware (RGB PI in fact) ... these stingy things I can't stand them ... since in the end MAME and ROMS are all fruits of passion that everyone has received for FREE ... so. ... at least the correctness of not playing stingy ...

the RGB_PI OS with the jamma-pi card must be reprogrammed due to the non-recognition of the / joy jamma buttons once any emulator is launched ... although in the selection menu everything seems to work ...
luckily, fiddling with retroarch (his heart) ... you can solve the problem.(not easy!!)

BUT other problems remain, such as hotkey management etc ... which also has problems here with the JAMMA-.PI.

The possibility of having for EVERY game show i selct list ... an image, a logo and a video ... it is IMPOSSIBLE on RGB-PI . making every theme also cute, poor ... and unpleasant ..... I don't want to have a full screen video in background but games list ... readable characters, a window for the video and one where for example I like the WEEL of the game name ... ON CRT EVO this has always been possible ... and very pleasant the result...!!!

thanks to the well-known EMULATIONSTATION options, from the screensaver to a lot of functions you can make and beautify your whole system ...
then there are other differences that I prefer in crt evo ... compared to rgb-pi but forget it ...

IN CONCLUSION .... IF ... and I underline IF ... RGB-PI had full compatibility the same management of THEMAS .... the same possible functions of the CRT EVO ... it would win big, because MUCH faster , and that's a big plus.
but while remaining fast, it works badly with other non-original cards, and lacks too many functions ESSENTIAL for me ...

I point out that CRT evo could be even better, have more updates, and new additions that have been missing almost always ... so it's not all roses ... BUT after the tests, I'm sorry CRT EVO IS THE WINER TODAY and also GOOD compared to rgb- pi

vic20, other 8 bits ... even the psp (with a few games) could work very well as a system on Pi3 and CRT / jamma ... BUT NO ONE ADDS THEM .... here is another reason that could make you prefer an image over another one!
I do not understand RGB-PI devs, will add new system, and pi4 support before crt can be the winner real! there are MANY user wait long time support for pi4.... this can be the BIG different.

my opinion


PROS: fast to load games
good menu options
some games resolutions more accurate than crtevo
some bugs present on crt-evo there are not here, for example artwork on advmame.
more updates and support (of crt-evo)

CONS: software incompatible with cards other than RGB-PI, or only partially functional. (this is a serious lack, since there is no reason ... why it should not work with the various cards on the market, if not for a desired thing ... bad choice!
frontend interface clear but too simple compared to the one manageable by emulationstation, in the crt evo ... having only the games list, or only an image, or only a video and not all at the same time on the screen on various windows for each single game is very ancient ... from "arcadeos dos" of 20 years ago
you can't have the roms mame in a single folder and then choose which emulator to start them with, practically you have to divide them into the folders of the respective emulators ...
the video snaps of the games are not easily manageable, especially from USB use ... practically not seen.
the lack of emulationstation options feels right ...
management of player key configurations, and special non-functional keys
more updates...but...wher are more systems and pi4 compatibility?!?!?


IT WORKS WITH PRACTICALLY ANY JAMMA / SCART pi cart, and this already makes it a winner without any doubt! the selection via convenient menu (or just edit the boot txt file easy )
PRO emulationstation, so many useful and easily accessible options ..
possibility to use different emulator for the single rom (advmame, mameplus2003, mame 2010, fba neo ...) so if a certain rom works only with one of these emulators you do not need to have double or triple it ... but you choose with emulator use it and it remains stored.
interface, perfect for a 240p, clear, there are already various thems memorized perfect and beautiful for all needs, with the possibility of having videos, images, and more of each single game at the same time ... very "hyperspin" ... to understand each other.

slow for each PRE running game, unfortunately you pay duty here.
some annoying bugs remain despite being said several times.
no other systems are added although it is very possible to do so
little support little news and substantial updates.

a note ... the YOUTUBE video that the friend posted evidently too much RGB-PI fan ... it is a lot of offensive accuser and I would also say untruthful in too many things .... we understand that he wants to sell rgb-pi, but apart from the many beautiful things that he exaggerates ... forget to say the negative things (DIFFERENT) and the many positives of the crt evo ... which has very little copied from rgb-pi, ask ... why rgb-pi OS doesn't get OPEN for all tabs ?! this would be much appreciated .... but do as you like, people know how to understand for themselves at the end ...
my opinion of course.

I AGREE JIMIZ mame wos and be a fantastic FREE program that open emulation to every one....ROMS DUMP work for many appsionate...WHITHOUT THAT...non crt evo...not RGB-PI...not RETROARCH ecc....was possible!!!
so dears BUSINESSMANS....take car before make a price to a card and "close" a simple program....and remember WHO have done all gratis before that!
Alejo I escribió:

Nasti de plasti. Pero lo raro es que no hay nada parecido en AliExpress...

Mmm estaba pensando en comprarlo, era por si alguien lo conocía y me podía dar su opinión. Si lo pillo lo comentaré por aquí, gracias!

Ya existe un hilo para hablar del RGB-Pi


Además de no mezclar contenidos y facilitar busquedas, no ayuda mucho al hilo volver a traer disputas y enfrentamientos absurdos.

En este sentido, que las acciones no sean visibles, no significa que desde moderación no se actúe. Se ha comentado muchas veces, pero parece que es necesario repetirlo de nuevo. :(
Solo moderación puede acceder a las fichas de cada usuario, anotar infracciones y/o valorar otra de acciones o sanciones si procede. [rtfm]
hmorv escribió:
Alejo I escribió:

Nasti de plasti. Pero lo raro es que no hay nada parecido en AliExpress...

Mmm estaba pensando en comprarlo, era por si alguien lo conocía y me podía dar su opinión. Si lo pillo lo comentaré por aquí, gracias!

Pues ya dirás si lo pescas, porque tiene una pinta interesante. Parece un Pi2Scart bastante compacto y bien hecho.
Retropie CRT Evo is Retropie, this should be sufficient: great community behind, years of developments, and @krash is very reactive, I interacted with him multiple times, and he was there and provided a solution very quickly. I'm talking about bugs or problems, not "please I want to run evo on my pi4, or I want the dreamcast emu tomorrow...".

My 3 cents...

May I add that I find the RGB-pi GUI really, well, not to my taste.

Ok, lo siento, soy belga, uso un traductor francés / español [beer]
For my part, even if I love Crt Evo, I don't quite understand why the retrotink Ultimate still not part of supported cards, whereas it's just another entry of two lines to add in the config file and one more entry in menu to make it fully compatible. I modify it manually each time from the first versions of EVO, it's easy but I'm sure there are some users of Retrotink which have given up this CRT Edition solution trying to run it with retrotink and thinking it's not suitable (because without modification you got black screen from the start). It is too bad ! Retrotink cards are no longer sold (outside of ebay probably but sometines expensive), but it's among the first RGB solution proposed for Pi on the market, and still great in quality (component out, true 24bit 240p), we are several to have it I think.

here the lines I add, if it can help (I have already notify Krahs about this possible update) :


Thanks Krahs if you add it , and wish to all of you a very happy new year [beer]
Hello, Happy new Year !
Any solution to have PSP and Neo Geo CD on the distribution ?
Retrodiction escribió:Hello, Happy new Year !
Any solution to have PSP and Neo Geo CD on the distribution ?

Neogeo cd,works since time ago
mcfly escribió:
Retrodiction escribió:Hello, Happy new Year !
Any solution to have PSP and Neo Geo CD on the distribution ?

Neogeo cd,works since time ago

Yes, just need PSP, it work on CRTPi-VGA distrib
@Retrodiction the rpi3 haven't enough power,to emulate psp games(a few games work)
mcfly escribió:@Retrodiction the rpi3 haven't enough power,to emulate psp games(a few games work)

few game work fine, few anothera are playable.... psp on crt look super!...also if PI3 !
jimiz escribió:
mcfly escribió:@Retrodiction the rpi3 haven't enough power,to emulate psp games(a few games work)

few game work fine, few anothera are playable.... psp on crt look super!...also if PI3 !

but the psp games native resolution don't are at 480p ? so unless display at 480i how it could look good on a standard crt tv ? [Ooooo]
Scanlinator escribió:
jimiz escribió:
mcfly escribió:@Retrodiction the rpi3 haven't enough power,to emulate psp games(a few games work)

few game work fine, few anothera are playable.... psp on crt look super!...also if PI3 !

but the psp games native resolution don't are at 480p ? so unless display at 480i how it could look good on a standard crt tv ? [Ooooo]

I'V try with retropie and pi4 on my hantarex 15,7 Khz , and also on pi3 + crt-pi really good aspect,.belive...: more nice of N64 (pixels).... Dreamcast is horrible.....
It would be nice and really interesting to help us explain step by step HOW TO INSERT A NEW SYSTEM ... adding files, and / or modifying what you need ...
for example by adding a missing system, such as VIC20, basically already present with the vice libreto. maybe each of us offers something, without waiting for everything to be ready or never come out ....
unfortunately here (and elsewhere) I don't see much support and interest in this system from those in the know.

I am not spanish but interested in getting my CRT to play nicely with my Pi. I have two questions..

- I am using a Pi4 with the Pi2Scart solution. This will work? The download page does not mention pi4 but Retropie has Pi4 support for a while now so I guess it should be fine?

- Im trying to connect to the Pi using the same login (ssh) I used before when it was just the official retropie imgage. Login: root but it says invalid login. Does the CRT Evo 3.3 image alter the default retropie login information?

Scanlinator escribió:
jimiz escribió:
mcfly escribió:@Retrodiction the rpi3 haven't enough power,to emulate psp games(a few games work)

few game work fine, few anothera are playable.... psp on crt look super!...also if PI3 !

but the psp games native resolution don't are at 480p ? so unless display at 480i how it could look good on a standard crt tv ? [Ooooo]

PSP runs at 480x272, very impressive on CRT.
Planetdune escribió:Hello

I am not spanish but interested in getting my CRT to play nicely with my Pi. I have two questions..

- I am using a Pi4 with the Pi2Scart solution. This will work? The download page does not mention pi4 but Retropie has Pi4 support for a while now so I guess it should be fine?


NO PI4 NOT WORK....(we are all waiting to use the pi4 , but for now no possible, a problem on retropie routines , but only for CRT/RGB mode.... pi3 is more lucky in that!...
paskhis escribió:
PSP runs at 480x272, very impressive on CRT.

I confirm [oki]
toto2000 escribió:About games with bad res settings (such as R-Type for example, US versions, I have a JAP version that is good on CRT EVO). Why don't we list them here + propose a workable solutiob (either using rescaling with retroarch) or maybe fix the res db is the error is there.

@Krash, it's true that the "forced" option does not seem to do the job with r-type for example.

BTW: Into the hunt, that is a close cousin of r-type works well, maybe we can duplicate res settings.

Maybe this can help. With CRT EVO, strangely, the rom is ok for me.


as I said some posts ago
FORCE / CROP automatic selection function on some games does not work correctly, as force is obviously off-screen as resolution, CROP does not compress the image vertically correctly leaving out often the high or low part (score ... etc .. .)

to keep in mind that obviously this also depends on which RGB monitor is used (frequency) I speak for the STANDAR monitor RGB , 15.7 khz .... typical of an arcade monitor such as my ....the hanterex polo mono frequency. although it is optimally regulated (trimmers) and set by CRT-EVO utility as well .... the problem persists in many games.

TO SOLVE I did it this way ...

as you said, RTYPE suffers from this problem, how to center the image completely in the screen without cutting parts?

you need to change the pre-set resolution to:

retropie / configs / all / CRT / Resolutions

in this case it depends on the emulator used for the related game ...
in the case of advmame the file must be opened/edit : advmame_games.txt
in the case of mame plus 2003 : mame078_games.txt

there are thesame , for every game.


rtype 1920 256 55.000000 -4 -27 3 48 192 240 5 15734 AdvMAME H 384

the second nummer (256) is the VERTICAL resolution used...and that work bad to me,

IN THE HUNT is different, more better...
inthunt 1920 240 60.000000 -4 -27 3 48 192 240 5 15734 AdvMAME H 320

here the vertical res. is 240. rtype now I change this valor so:
rtype 1920 240 55.000000 -4 -27 3 48 192 240 5 15734 AdvMAME H 384


restart the game , and now crtevo not ask again "force/crop"....and the game are all inside the picture/screen...
just litte bit cut the scores on at the bottom of the screen

SO I just adjust little bit more so:

rtype 1920 238 55.000000 -1 -27 3 48 192 240 5 15734 AdvMAME H 384

yes, 240 to 238....and the -4 in -1 this adjust little the center of vertical position.

I now, meaby this resolution now isn't pixel perfect on this game, BUT to me it looks perfect, without pixel artifacts, and now I see everything, scores and there is no cut part of the game, while remaining completely in full screen.
this rule applies to many other games that otherwise come out badly, because they are cut out of some fundamental parts.
I hope it was helpful ... ;)
do mortal kombat arcade games take up the whole screen just without overflow?
on my Hanterx 15,7 khz (perfect set)
Mortal Kombat 1 example.... CROP (you have scores are out of screen
FORCE . TOP is ok, but is cut UNDER screen , always overscan...

You need to edit resolution like my post before...

mk 1920 254 53.204948 -4 -27 3 48 192 240 5 15734 AdvMAME H 400

in my case:
mk 1920 240 53.204948 -4 -27 3 48 192 240 5 15734 AdvMAME H 400

so is full screen to me.

What is the login to connect to the pi over SSH? The usual logins do not seem to work.
jimiz escribió:
SO I just adjust little bit more so:

rtype 1920 238 55.000000 -1 -27 3 48 192 240 5 15734 AdvMAME H 384

yes, 240 to 238....and the -4 in -1 this adjust little the center of vertical position.

doesn't work for me (without surprise), got visible tearing on sprites when they translate vertically because 16 lines missed (with 240 value). If you want to have perfect lines (the purpose of the EVO distrib and play on crt I think) and accurate display you must keep correct value.

I understand you want full screen but you can't have at the same time perfect lines, native refresh rate, full screen and correct ratio on some games which have exotic resolution (as rtype typically) on pi3 due to the hdmi_timings tolerated (pixel clock limitation induct bad ratio because restrictive porch values). For these games, the best compromise is the "forced" option , the black border on top and bottom are absolutely normal : you send to the screen a 256 lines display but at 55hz so the screen transmute to 276p (as 50 hz), thus you have 20 lines non active). From that the only way to have full screen and maintain correct ratio is to play with service menu tv (remember the arcade machine are one game system, the screen is calibrate accordingly to the single game..).
From my opinion, if there is a thing to sacrifice, I think it's the full screen ( as long as the picture is totally visible and not cropped) not the vertical resolution
it seems obvious to me by modifying as I did, we no longer talk about pixel perfect ...
unfortunately if the solution is to go to the monitor to adjust trimmers to "shrink" the screen ... I prefer 100000 times to change the resolution line as I did.
first of all because touching the trimmers would only make sense if there was a single game ... not a multi game.
crope does not go well anyway because it cuts a fundamental part of the game (scores and more ..)
what to do then? do a "resize" through those lines explained above ... in most cases, when necessary, the game still comes out very enjoyable, so as not to see big differences compared to the pixel perfect ... obviously you focus on playing and not with the lens to see if any line is missing ...
in games where this happens ... a nice shader softens the missing lines ... (visible improvement also on the text) ...
unfortunately it is necessary to make do in some way ...
a friend (same problem, only on mivar crt ...) did as directed by me ... and obviously now it works full screen.
I didn't understand if it just doesn't work for you or just don't like.
remeber...for the best way...I USE advmame... RTYPE with mame + res lines... show big different before mame 2003 plus + res lines...... so when the game/rom work well I prefear do that with advmame!

It is important to share ideas and suggestions ... but I see this crt evo project / forum a little dull also as support / answers ....
jimiz escribió:
in games where this happens ... a nice shader softens the missing lines ... (visible improvement also on the text) ...
unfortunately it is necessary to make do in some way ....

interesting but can you explain how you use shader with advmame ? this is one of the pb with non libreto emulator , the lack of retroarch options, curious to see how you proceed please? in all case, know that shaders use cpu and can impact notably the framerate.

Generally speaking, it's outlier from my point of view to use modification which deteriorate the initial source render. Many crt users want to come closer at maximum to the render of emulated system and it's possible with good results by this Krahs's distribution. Maybe also I haven't understand the initial problem you spoke, because by choose "forced" display option before launch game, I got the best results on some games like r-type.

jimiz escribió:I didn't understand if it just doesn't work for you or just don't like.

as said, got significantly tearing in move (for example visible from start in r-type : when the logo translate to bottom , or when the sprites at level 1 translate vertically, etc.. )

jimiz escribió:..obviously you focus on playing and not with the lens to see if any line is missing ....

in this case, just play on HD screen with other retropie distrib is the best way to have less display constraints. Again, personnaly I play on CRT to enjoy the render (it's too bad to sacrify it) as much the fun to play :)

jimiz escribió:It is important to share ideas and suggestions

absolutly ! and you are welcome [beer] but it's also important to ponder the benefit / disadvantage and get feedback :)

I'm using CRT Evo 3.3 with a Raspberry PI3 and i have got a problem concerning the option "save state / load state" of retroarch.

CRT Evo is on the Sd Card and Roms on my usb key.

When i play a game and when I would like to save, I click on "back + X", i have the menu of retroarch and then i click on "save state" and after few minutes of gaming i click on "load state" and that don't work [snif] : i have try with Snes, Sega Genesis, Mame...

I try with CRT Evo 2.0 and 3.3 and it's the same problem.

If i remove my usb key, and try to save state with the few basics games include in the CRT evo image, the save state work !!! :-?

Do you have an idea ? :)
Alejo I escribió:
hmorv escribió:
Alejo I escribió:Nasti de plasti. Pero lo raro es que no hay nada parecido en AliExpress...

Mmm estaba pensando en comprarlo, era por si alguien lo conocía y me podía dar su opinión. Si lo pillo lo comentaré por aquí, gracias!

Pues ya dirás si lo pescas, porque tiene una pinta interesante. Parece un Pi2Scart bastante compacto y bien hecho.

Bueno, pues finalmente me animé y pedí la versión con conector macho. Lo pedí hace unas semanas y he estado trasteando con el cacharrito, de momento me funciona de lujo.

Me bajé la RetropieCRT y con tan sólo enchufarlo ya me funcionaba correctamente. Estuve jugando con la corrección de pantalla pero en verdad no hace falta configurar nada, enchufar y listo.

Paso unas capturas:
Pues está requetebién. Tengo desde hace tiempo un proyecto atascado con CRT Edition y otro con RGB-Pi, dependiendo de cuál me guste más igual termino pidiendo algún cacharrete de esos.
Hi guys, is there a way to make operational the intern retropie scrapper ? never worked for me ... do you use it ? (I use sselph scraper in command line but maybe it exist more convenient way.. ?)

edit : okay, I will use Skyscraper it work nice [360º] . But I wonder why Retropie devs let the intern scrapper still stay in the main option Menu of Retropie while it seems broke since many years ...
hemos cambiado de pais y yo no me he enterado?


Donde compraste ese conector scart y a que precio ?

Olvidalo ya lo he visto XD ... SwL0xe8k8v
crt evo3.3 FINAL...for ever?
no news, no more update, and also no support (answers)...
claudiazan escribió:crt evo3.3 FINAL...for ever?
no news, no more update, and also no support (answers)...

You are asking for something that someone does for free in their spare time. Why don't you contribute to the project instead of asking?
Buenas, se podría instalar esta imagen de retropie en un PC y usando una tarjeta arcadeVGA emitiendo a 15khz y con un cable VGA-SCART? Gracias de antemano.
@pepebotika97 Hola, esta distribución sólo está disponible para Raspberry. Si buscas tener algo similar en PC tendrías que irte a sistemas específicos para ello como RGBuntu (que tiene hilo en este mismo foro), RGBux (también tiene hilo) o Groovyarcade.
Un saludo.
Propicios días,

He descubierto hace poco este mundillo de usar CRTs, el pixel perfect y demás con raspberry pi y bueno, estoy encantado con esta distro. Tengo algún par de cosas que me quedan por refinar pero ya lo tengo casi todo perfecto.
Uno de los problemas que me he encontrado es qué al poner la consola en modo kiosko y tratar de eliminar opciones "peligrosas" (no quiero que se toquiteen cosas) quiero ocultar las secciones de 1CRT y Options (de retropie). El caso es que esto siempre lo he hecho editando el fichero /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg y eliminando las lineas de retropie y en este caso de 1CRT. Reinicio y todo OK, pero en el momento que lanzo un juego me sale la siguiente imagen, y me reinicia la raspberry y me vuelve a añadir los dos menus.


Alguna idea?

Ya puestos, lanzo la segunda duda, estoy usando el cable de rgb-pi y sufro de un poco de overscan, he tratado de ajustarlo en el menu de CRT y lateralmente lo tengo dominado pero horizontalmente la opción está bloqueada y me dice algo del pixel perfect (no recuerdo el mensaje) alguna solución?

Edit: A alguien le funciona el MGS de PSX? He probado PAL y NTSC y nada :(
DeathWalk escribió:Propicios días,

He descubierto hace poco este mundillo de usar CRTs, el pixel perfect y demás con raspberry pi y bueno, estoy encantado con esta distro. Tengo algún par de cosas que me quedan por refinar pero ya lo tengo casi todo perfecto.
Uno de los problemas que me he encontrado es qué al poner la consola en modo kiosko y tratar de eliminar opciones "peligrosas" (no quiero que se toquiteen cosas) quiero ocultar las secciones de 1CRT y Options (de retropie). El caso es que esto siempre lo he hecho editando el fichero /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg y eliminando las lineas de retropie y en este caso de 1CRT. Reinicio y todo OK, pero en el momento que lanzo un juego me sale la siguiente imagen, y me reinicia la raspberry y me vuelve a añadir los dos menus.


Alguna idea?

Ya puestos, lanzo la segunda duda, estoy usando el cable de rgb-pi y sufro de un poco de overscan, he tratado de ajustarlo en el menu de CRT y lateralmente lo tengo dominado pero horizontalmente la opción está bloqueada y me dice algo del pixel perfect (no recuerdo el mensaje) alguna solución?

Edit: A alguien le funciona el MGS de PSX? He probado PAL y NTSC y nada :(

Puedes ocultar la sección retropie de la lista de sistemas desde el propio configuration utility:

La sección de configuración de Retropie CRT Edition no se puede ocultar con ninguna opción disponible pero puedes hacerlo manualmente editando el fichero es_system.cfg. Busca la sección de 1CRT y cambiando el path apuntando a una ruta que no existe:


-krahs- escribió:
DeathWalk escribió:Propicios días,

He descubierto hace poco este mundillo de usar CRTs, el pixel perfect y demás con raspberry pi y bueno, estoy encantado con esta distro. Tengo algún par de cosas que me quedan por refinar pero ya lo tengo casi todo perfecto.
Uno de los problemas que me he encontrado es qué al poner la consola en modo kiosko y tratar de eliminar opciones "peligrosas" (no quiero que se toquiteen cosas) quiero ocultar las secciones de 1CRT y Options (de retropie). El caso es que esto siempre lo he hecho editando el fichero /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg y eliminando las lineas de retropie y en este caso de 1CRT. Reinicio y todo OK, pero en el momento que lanzo un juego me sale la siguiente imagen, y me reinicia la raspberry y me vuelve a añadir los dos menus.


Alguna idea?

Ya puestos, lanzo la segunda duda, estoy usando el cable de rgb-pi y sufro de un poco de overscan, he tratado de ajustarlo en el menu de CRT y lateralmente lo tengo dominado pero horizontalmente la opción está bloqueada y me dice algo del pixel perfect (no recuerdo el mensaje) alguna solución?

Edit: A alguien le funciona el MGS de PSX? He probado PAL y NTSC y nada :(

Puedes ocultar la sección retropie de la lista de sistemas desde el propio configuration utility:

La sección de configuración de Retropie CRT Edition no se puede ocultar con ninguna opción disponible pero puedes hacerlo manualmente editando el fichero es_system.cfg. Busca la sección de 1CRT y cambiando el path apuntando a una ruta que no existe:



Que buena! gracias, lo probaré nada más llegar a casa.

Lo del MGS alguno lo ha probado?

Alguna opción para evitar overscan? pierdo como 1 cm por cada lado y muchas veces se come datos de interés.
(mensaje borrado)
@DeathWalk Hola, yo he jugado al MGS de PSX hace relativamente poco y me funcionaba correctamente, posiblemente el problema sea la propia rom del juego.
Respecto a lo que comentas del overscan, si el menú del sistema no te permite ajustar más la imagen seguramente puedas dejarlo fino con el menú de servicio de la propia televisión. Para acceder necesitas introducir una combinación de botones en el mando a distancia (depende de la marca y el modelo y te tocará investigar un poco sobre cómo acceder en la tuya) con la TV en standby. Para cambiar los ajustes normalmente hace halta utilizar una señal de entrada en formato PAL.
Si tu TV es antigua es posible que no tenga menú de servicio y se ajuste mediante los potenciómetros del propio chasis.

Un saludo.
@Botvinnik Ok, mil gracias, investigaré ambas cosas, aunque por desgracia el MGS he usado con dos ROMs distintas y nada. Pero saber qué funciona me vale, algún ajuste tendré mal.
Lo del service Mode lo intente, pero parece que necesito el mando original para hacer una combinación uno lo tengo. A ver si consigo alguno.
¿Sabéis de alguna carcasa buena que no necesite modificaciones? me gustan las de retroflag pero he visto que hay que recortarlas, ¿que modelo de raspberry 3 recomendáis?, estoy entre el B y el B plus que supongo que serán los mejores, un saludo.
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