Homeworld 3

No puedo creer que aun nadie le haya hecho un hilo. Esta saga es imprescindible en cualquier biblioteca de estrategas. Sale hoy oficialmente.

Yo actualmente estoy jugando a Homeworld: Vast Reaches en VR y disfrutandolo como un enano. Cuando lo acabe empezare con este.
Se puede en VR? No tenía ni idea, yo ando dándole desde el sábado y no está nada mal. Lo malo es que no tiene soporte a resoluciones altas en ultrawide...
Lugal escribió:Se puede en VR? No tenía ni idea, yo ando dándole desde el sábado y no está nada mal. Lo malo es que no tiene soporte a resoluciones altas en ultrawide...

Eeehh..... no. Me habia expresado mal. Ya lo he editado para evitar mas confusiones.
El Homeworld de VR es este.

Sorry [+risas] [+risas] [+risas]
Muy dura esta reseña de steam. Mala pinta, ademas un 66 y con denuvo

I do not recommend buying this game. It wears the name "Homeworld" it has the story, characters, sounds, graphics, and amazing looking maps FROM Homeworld but this game sadly is NOT homeworld.

If this game would have been released under a different name everybody would have probably sung it's praises. However since it wears the name of "Homeworld" people expect a certain sense of "quality" to it. Some still exist but most of the "soul" of homeworld is not there anymore.

A few of the "Cons":

- Lack of Ship variety
- Sizes of ships doesnt make sense
- Unit AI is retarded (The AI insists on being on the same plane as the enemy when it comes to attacking them IN SPACE)
- Every single unit in the game has some sort of activated "ability" which most of the time boils down to "Push buttan to deal more damage"
- Directional armor is gone. There is no point in using the 3D movement since the damage is the same no matter where you shoot from and the unit AI is too stupid to take advantage of the difference in elavation anyway.
- The balance with ships is all wrong. Destroyers and Battlecruisers are now "Anti-Everything" (It's even in the tooltip) as such they'll just shoot down even your strike craft with ease. (I find bombers to be useless atm) Going back to unit AI. Fighters fly around really slowly sticking 100% to their formation and doing NO EVASIVE MANOUVERS AT ALL. (Dog fights are really boring to watch)
- Capital ship subsytems are gone as are cloak generators, gravity well generators, proximity sensors and sensors distortion probes. Anything to give an edge over the enemy in strategic gameplay is just gone.
- The skirmish maps are now really tiny and use a resource system similar to Deserts of Kharak and they run out really fast. This turns the game in to really fast quick brawls when atleast in my opinion HOMEWORLD should be more slow and methodical gameplay.

Oh yeah the megaliths.. While they do look awesome they're in the end really useless and just... There.
Since directional armor isnt a thing anymore there's no actual point in trying to skirt around using it as cover and yes it does have some cool tunnels your strike craft could use but it's a massive pain in the ass to try to get your fighters to navigate through it and since the skirmish matches are usually really fast paced you wont even have time to do so anyway.

That's just to name a few.

Now a few "Pros":

- The sound track yet again is amazing
- Maps despite their size look awesome
- No need to micro resource collectors and controllers. They now come in a single package BUT since resources are in nodes similar to DoK they just stop doing anything once that node goes out and are too dumb to continue gathering without new orders. (Unless the next resource point happens to be a stone's throw's away)
- The Wargames mode despite the games other flaws is some good fun in a tight 30 minute package and so far all the fleets are diffirent enough from each other to keep the gameplay interesting. (Atleast for a while)


I wanted to like this game really REALLY bad but i just cant. All it does in the end is make me want to reinstall Homeworld Remastered and go play that instead. So if you want to play Homeworld. Go buy remastered. That's where the true Homeworld experience is at.
Pues a mi me va perfecto, el juego es divertido y se lian unos pitotes de la ostia. Claro que yo no soy imparcial, tengo todas las entregas, hasta la de los moviles. Es una saga que siempre me ha encantado.
8 horas dura la campaña individual.....ha salido escaso en contenido, pero el precio no, ahí han ido a por todas....
mitridates escribió:8 horas dura la campaña individual.....ha salido escaso en contenido, pero el precio no, ahí han ido a por todas....

Hay pase de temporada, esta previsto ir añadiendo mas contenido. Y no lo digo por defenderlos, es por aclarar las cosas.
Veo que el juego es lento y un tanto aburrido, con poco contenido y variedad de naves.

Tenía claro que iba a esperar pero ahora ya no me cabe duda alguna. Alguna noticia de versión VR se ha comentado? Luciría de escándalo eso sí.
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